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With just a few clicks you can buy or sell cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses and more directly on your smartphone. More time for you, less stress for the animals. Get started now and buy & sell animals
This gives you more time on the farm and saves the animals a lot of stress. Curious? Then let's get started!
Download the app now!With viehworld you can bid on cattle and many others in just a few steps. The sale of livestock is just as quick as nothing. Get in and get started right away!
Download the app now!Your viehworld profile - the central interface for your purchases, sales, searches, videos, etc. Trading has never been so easy!
Download the app now!Why are we doing this?
Our core values and beliefs
Several things are particularly important to us: your time, your effort, your yield, the consumer, animal health and the environment.
You have all the relevant facts about the animals at a glance: from breeding data through pedigree to reproduction. And you can also present your farm.
There are also photos, videos, lots of filter options, a rating system and many other great features such as tracking of the transport status.
Less stress, less transport, fewer diseases - with viehworld we make a substantial contribution to animal welfare and sustainability.
Of course, the consumer also benefits from this: First, he gets healthier meat on his plate, and second, he becomes more aware of the whole process.
So easy
Download the app
Enter once via the eAMA login
Enter details about the company once
Sale: Enter the most important details and data about the animal and upload photos. Finished.
Purchase: Use the search function to find regional providers.
After successful purchase / sale the data of the traders will be exchanged.
Commission for viehworld: All auctions until the end of 2023 are free of charge. Our mediation costs you 5% of the selling price.
Why do we charge a commission? This is also customary with other marketing channels and sales platforms. In addition, we use it to finance the APP and develop it further on a permanent basis.
Looking ahead: We are already working on the next expansion stage, where all eAMA data will then be loaded automatically and there will be an option to scan the animal's ear tag. Stay tuned!
Do you need help?"
Viehworld is the new, free app for the livestock trade. We concentrate on the marketing of all farm animals, especially spotted and gray cattle and, of course, calves. viehworld increases the added value for everyone involved in the market: for farmers in buying and selling, livestock dealers, consumers, auction halls and the livestock themselves. Because all relevant data for the private sale of a livestock is displayed on the app: from breeding data through pedigree to reproduction. In addition, the user can upload suitable photos and videos for each animal – cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, alpacas. All types of cattle are on offer, from Fleckvieh to Grey, dairy cows, pregnant cattle and of course calves.
Neither a membership fee nor a basic fee, but only a small commission for a successful sale is due for the transparent auctions on viehworld for the sale of cattle, calves, pigs and other livestock. The app can only be used by farmers, because after the download, the app can easily be opened using the eAMA login and the account can be described in more detail afterwards using a wide variety of operating data. This guarantees that only industry groups involved in the livestock trade can also use the app. Thanks to viehworld, the farmers also have more time on the farm, which in turn reduces the effort and increases the yield in the livestock trade.
As the app sale shortens the transport routes and avoids the gathering of many different animals from different livestock trades, the risk of diseases, such as respiratory diseases, drops drastically. With the help of a geographic filter, we ensure that animals of all types and breeds (Fleckvieh, Holstein, Braunvieh, Pinzgauer, Grey, calf or calves, suckler cows, slaughter cattle, pigs, sheep and alpacas) are sold or bought in the immediate vicinity. This guarantees a lower risk of diseases such as diarrhoea or pneumonia being introduced into your own barn and minimisation of foreign germ contamination. In addition, each saved transport kilometre has a positive effect on the immune system of the animals, since the stress level can be kept as low as possible.
All of the points mentioned make an enormous contribution to sustainability as well as consumer and climate protection: from regional meat to the reduction of CO2 emissions due to shorter transport routes. With viehworld, we see ourselves in no way as a competitor to auction halls, but as an ideal partnership. And another unique item from viehworld: Here you can also buy and sell beef cattle. Livestock dealers, who are also interested in short transport routes in order to make their pet trade as efficient as possible, are also represented at viehworld.
Do you want to know who is behind the livestock trading app?
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