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This is how it works:

1. Write us an e-mail to:


2. Call us at the following numbers:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


I cannot open the app.

There might be an update! Just check the app store for updates. If there is none: Please uninstall the app once and reinstall it. If it still does not work: CONTACT THE SUPPORT (Tel-nr/email) and be sure to specify phone model. We will take a look at it!

Can I disable advertising in the app?

No. Currently we only have a free version of this app. Of course, since development incurs costs, we rely on advertisements in the app.

Can I disable push notifications?

Yes. Just do it in your phone's settings.

How long does an auction run in viehworld?

The duration of the auction can be specified by the seller. A good guideline for the auction duration is 10-15 days.

Can I log in with HIT data?

Yes, technically it is possible, however we are still waiting for an official release of the HI Tier.

What data is retrieved when logging in via the HIT?

When logging in via HIT, viehworld only receives the information whether you are a farmer or not. All other data is entered by the user.

I want to change my password.

When accessing the app, simply click on Account-> Gear icon on the top right -> and then click on "Change Password" at the very bottom.

NoteThis is only possible with an email login. If you have forgotten your AMA/HIT password, you must change it on the AMA/HIT page.

Can I report other users?

Yes, just click on "Report user". We will do the rest.

Seller questions

Can I delete an animal after placing it in the app?

Yes, this is possible. Please contact the support. We will clarify this. Seller and with rising bidder will then be contacted by us.

My offered animal is sick: how can I remove it from the app?

Please contact the support! We will settle the matter for you.

My camera doesn't take pictures or open in the app.

Please check the permissions for the viehworld app in the settings of your phone. In most cases, the camera is deactivated here. If the problem cannot be solved this way, please contact our support with your phone model.

Can I offer an animal by buy it now?

Yes, simply enter the desired price for the animal in the "Buy it now" field when creating an ad.

Can breeding data from breeding databases be transferred to the app?

No unfortunately at the current time not yet, because we have not yet received access from the breeding associations. Please just make a screenshot of the breeding data app and upload it at RDV (pictures).

I don't have internet in the stable! Can I still use the app?

No problem! Take the pictures with your normal camera on your phone. Later, when you are in the apartment building (with wifi), you can create the ad. Just upload the pictures via the gallery of your phone.

Can I add a picture to an auction later?

This is possible. Please just send pictures with the corresponding auction number to our support. We will do it for you.

Fields are missing that would be crucial for my operation!

Please contact our support. We will implement this as soon as possible.

What data does the buyer/seller see after I sell an animal?

The buyer sees address, email address and phone number. Conversely, the seller also sees the same data.

I have made mistakes in the information about the animal! Can I correct them afterwards?

Yes, please click on your "Account" --> "my auction", select the ad you want to change and then click on the pencil (right under the pictures) to make your changes. If you have any questions, please contact the support.

Buyer questions

Can I cancel a bid I have placed?

Normally, a submitted bid is valid. However, there are certainly circumstances in which it is necessary to cancel. Please contact our support here.

Can filter by distance in the app?

Yes. Just click on: Filter -> Set Filter -> Apply
"Discover" > Select Animal Species > "Filter" (Distance can be found at the very bottom) > Apply

What do I do as a seller or buyer if an animal does not change hands?

Please contact our support team! We will settle the matter for you.

Can I bid for an animal that is offered abroad?

Yes you can. You just have to follow the current veterinary regulations for importing live animals.

Can I contact the seller during the auction?

Yes there is a chat function. Just click on "Send message" in the detail view of the ad.

Where can I see the exact location of the seller?

During an ongoing auction, only the zip code where the animal is located is displayed.
After a successful sale, buyer and seller are connected and they can discuss further steps and details.

How do I see the travel time to the vendor?

Simply click on the zip code in the detailed view of the ad. Google Maps will show you the way.

Payment / Settlement of an auction

How is the 5% commission paid? Attention: All auctions free of charge until the end of 2023! 

After a successful sale, the app shows a message. The commission can be paid directly in the app. You can find all open invoices under Account -> My invoices. Here you can also pay them with all common payment methods.

Does viehworld also regulate the payment betweenbuyer and seller?

No. The payment of the determined maximum price is agreed directly between the seller and the buyer.

When must an animal be paid for?

The same regulations apply as for the private sale of animals. After the animal has been inspected or the buyer gives a final commitment, the seller issues a livestock traffic certificate and the invoice.