Livestock traders rely on viehworld

Animal and human

October 21, 2021

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Martin Roseneder

Livestock traders are one of the target groups of the new livestock trade app viehworld. There are many innovative businesses in Austria. One of them is located in the south of Vienna with the livestock trader Scheibenreiter. Digitisation in agriculture has also caught Ernst Scheibenreiter and his brother, who have captured their parents' business, which mainly sells young bulls.

"We see numerous advantages from the app," emphasises Ernst Scheibenreiter: "Of course I want to offer my livestock to as many farmers as possible. In addition, I often need a certain amount of animals at short notice - preferably from the region. Now that finally works at the click of a mouse." He and his brother are practising their dream job and they do not call their animals farm animals but their babies. "We sell a lot regionally and the new app gives us the opportunity to reach even more farmers in our area. Which is important because we sell around 150 bull calves a week."

The issue of regionality is becoming increasingly important for Scheibenreiter and fair prices are also negotiated for both sides - buyer and seller - via the app. Neither a membership fee nor a basic fee is due for the transparent auctions on viehworld, but only a small commission in case of a successful sale. The app can only be used by farmers, because after the download and the one-time registration, an AMA identification is also required. This guarantees that only industry groups involved in the livestock trade can use the app. Thanks to viehworld, farmers also have more time on the farm, which in turn reduces the effort and increases the yield.

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